Libby is offering classes and healing sessions remotely by Zoom. Remote Reiki classes and sessions are as effective as in-person. In-person sessions are available in Asheville, North Carolina.

Testimonials of Reiki Experiences

“…you are such an inspiring woman, the energy in our class was amazing and I am sure in big part it was your gentle kind presence.”

Patti F.

“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the gift of my Reiki attunements. Since that weekend, my nerves have calmed, my mind has settled and my self-love has grown. I have done Reiki on myself every day since, and now have an opportunity to begin sharing Reiki with others.”

Vicki A.

“I wanted to send a note of sincere gratitude for your amazing work and ability to share an incredible gift. I always leave your classes feeling uplifted.

I am truly grateful.”


“Very enjoyable and informative day. Libby makes everyone feel at ease and therefore able to learn in a way that the participant feels successful no matter what.”

Theresa G.

“Powerful and moving.”

Elizabeth B.

“Beyond my expectations.”

Mary D.

“I came with the intention to include more Reiki in my life and service to others but have added a new understanding of how it can help me. I have made a commitment to do more self-Reiki now.”

L. L., RN

“Totally changed my life. It is wonderful and I will use these tools forever.”

Dawn E.

“Miraculously wonderful… truly inspirational.”

Roz G.

“Love, love love! What a fantastic course and teacher—life-changing and life-giving! Everything was jampacked with meaning and healing and clarity.”

Rachel S.

“I took the first step for me in my transformation and that was opening to knowing I am not separate. I knew it with my head but hadn’t received it in my heart. Now I know the truth. It has changed me.”

Linda L.

“Libby has been both graceful and gracious in giving and sharing her knowledge of the world of Reiki. Superb presentation and everlasting patience.”

L. S.